The eye examination
We believe it’s important that our eye tests are thorough and enable us to give you the very best advice.
That’s why we’ve developed our Enhanced Eye Examinations, which use some of the most hi-tech diagnostic equipment on the Fylde coast to give us a complete picture of your eye health.
A standard, 20-minute NHS sight test checks your vision and provides a prescription as well as detecting any immediate sign of common eye disease, such as glaucoma or age-related macular degeneration.
Our Optometrist Stephen Woodhouse is happy to carry out an NHS sight test for those who qualify, however we strongly recommend a 45-minute Enhanced Eye Examination appointment.
This can reveal the earliest signs of conditions which, when treated at the outset, can be slowed or halted, giving you better eyesight for longer.
We believe it is the best option for your eyecare, for your peace of mind and for the comfort of knowing that any change in your vision is being monitored and addressed professionally and with excellent experienced clinical attention.
Here’s some of the high-performing kit we use to build up an in-depth image of your eyes.
Field of vision test
We start with a field of vision test. This can detect dysfunction in central and peripheral vision which may be caused by conditions such as glaucoma, stroke, pituitary disease or brain tumours.
We use dedicated computer technology to give the highest accuracy of results. Patients are asked to record the flash of a small light at different points of their vision. A print out of the results gives us a detailed picture of a patient’s visual field.
OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography)
This is a highly specialised piece of equipment which reveals more than we’ve ever previously been able to see about your retina and optic nerve. The 3D scan shows the eye in cross-section, allowing our optometrist to view the layers of the retina. This is particularly useful for the diagnosis of glaucoma or macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in the UK.
The scan is non-invasive, painless, simple and quick. The software can detect even the most subtle changes to the retina between eye tests. This gives an invaluable ongoing record of the health and condition of your eyes.
We’ll discuss with you what the scans mean and your results, ensuring that you are fully informed at all stages of your appointment.
Optomap Scanner
This digital scanner gives us an ultra-widefield view capturing more than 80% of your retina in a single image. Traditional imaging typically only shows 15% of your retina at one time. It means during an eye examination we can get a comprehensive look at what’s happening.
With digital imagery we can compare any changes in your eyes over time. That’s a key tool in early diagnosis of eye conditions.
The scan is fast and comfortable. Nothing touches your eye at any time. To have the exam, you simply look into the scanner one eye at a time and you will see a flash of light to let you know the image of your retina has been taken.

Myopia Master
We now use this high-precision measuring device to provide extremely accurate biometric data for lens manufacture.
No eyes are the same, each has its own shape and perfect vision means something different to each.
The Myopia Master makes ultra-precise calculations of the eye length, the pivot point of the eye and pupil diameter enabling the manufacture of a 100% custom-fit spectacle lens.
The measuring process takes only two minutes, is contactless and therefore painless.

Regular examinations are an essential part of maintaining good eye health.
If it’s been a while since your last visit to an opticians, please think about booking in.
Our friendly and expert team are always on hand to answer any questions you may have.
Give them a call on (01253) 341955 or email